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Ole Miss Won’t Allow Auburn Marching Band to Perform

Earlier today, I learned that Ole Miss will be holding their Homecoming festivities this weekend as the Rebels take on Auburn.

Wait, what? We’re Ole Miss’s Homecoming game?! Just continue to kick us while we’re down.

But seriously, Ole Miss played their four non-conference games to start the season, therefore they had no choice to put Homecoming against an SEC opponent later in the season. Whereas normally they would play some creampuff in late October in hopes that the easy opponent would mean an easy win for the alumni in town. Oh, well that’s not what they’re getting this time!!! Right?! … right?

Later, I was tipped off by an Auburn University Marching Band member that I should let it be known that due to Homecoming festivities, Ole Miss would not be allowing the Auburn University Marching Band to play at half time. The band member told me that I should specifically talk to Michael Thompson, Ole Miss’s Senior Associate AD, so I did.

I sent Michael a simple email asking if this was true, and if he could explain the reasoning. Here was his prompt response:

That is true. We have great respect for visiting teams’ bands, especially the Auburn University Marching Band, and strive to create opportunities for visiting bands to play. In fact, in our first 4 home games we have had two full bands play at halftime. In addition, we understand these performers invest a lot of time and energy in practicing and performing. Unfortunately, late last week was the first time our athletics department became aware that Auburn expected to perform on the field, and it was simply too late. Saturday is a very special game for us, as it is our annual Homecoming game.

As I’m sure you are aware, the Homecoming game includes several presentations and field events to honor our homecoming court and alumni. Because of this, we simply do not have time in the script to accommodate an on-field performance. We have communicated this with the Auburn band director and he is aware.


While I appreciate Michael’s very understanding, very positive, and very prompt response, I don’t completely agree with the reasoning.

I understand that Homecoming makes halftime very busy, but from seeing at least the last twelve Auburn Homecoming halftime shows, I know that there is plenty of time to allow a 9-10 minute performance from the opponent’s band. The Auburn Band usually plays a short show, then goes into the Homecoming formation, while the Homecoming Court and winner is announced. This isn’t high school where you have two to three girls per grade. There are at most probably five or six girls total.

Not to mention that they already know who the winner actually is. It was announced almost a month ago. SPOILER ALERT: it’s Courtney Pearson, who also happens to be the first African-American Homecoming Queen at Ole Miss. Maybe they’re going to make a big deal about that, and that’s fine and understandable, but would the whole thing really take up more than ten minutes? I mean ten minutes in football game dead space is a long time.

I understand, I guess, but I don’t like it. It just feels a lot like the times Tennessee and Alabama tried to stop Auburn from doing Tiger Walk. Now, 380 band members and staff will travel all the way to Oxford to basically just sit in the stands and play. That seems like a lot of hard work for nothing if you ask me.

Oh, and to the ones that are saying that most opponents’ bands don’t perform at halftime of Homecoming games, you’re right. That’s because most Homecoming opponents are creampuffs that don’t send a band. I have never, ever seen a full band sit in the stands at halftime. Ever.

UPDATE – Given the amounts of conflicting information in the comments section, I decided to ask Dr. Corey Spurlin, Director of the Auburn University Marching Band, if he could shed some light on the situation from the Auburn side. His response:

Thanks for your support of our band. To clarify, Ole Miss was notified on May 7th that we would bring the full band and that we wished to perform at halftime. They have acknowledged receipt of that information. The communication breakdown that Michael refers to in his response was between Ole Miss staff members and not between Auburn and Ole Miss. They have also acknowledged and sincerely apologized for their communication breakdown. They have since offered us an opportunity to perform at 9:30 a.m. in the morning, but it will be difficult for us to make it into the stadium after Tiger Walk to meet that performance time and we feel that the stadium will be, for the most part, empty at the time in the morning. For those reasons, we have decided not to accept the offer to perform at 9:30 a.m. Even though we are disappointed that we will not be able to perform on the field and represent our university in that capacity, we are looking forward to traveling with the full band to support our team from the stands.

Dr. Corey Spurlin
Director, Auburn University Marching Band

So this was not an oversight by Auburn. Auburn planned and notified Ole Miss far in advance. Again, I have never seen a full band sit in the stands at halftime for any reason, but Ole Miss is doing it to Auburn on part of their own miscommunication. Asking if the Auburn Band would like to perform at 9:30 is almost a slap in the face. Oh well, hopefully Auburn has many reasons to play throughout the game due to the offense, you know, scoring some points.

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TheAuburnGirl 10/10/2012 at 2:54 pm

You’re a bigger person than I am, because I do not understand. I thought if the rival team sent a band (time, expense, effort), then it was a given that the band was allowed on the field at half-time. This is extremely impolite and ungracious. You know, now, I am rather fired up and more than ever, hope that Auburn beats Ole Miss.

You expect this kind of BS from UAT, but not a school that is supposedly more civilized.

I’m getting more and more annoyed by this.

TheAuburnGirl 10/10/2012 at 3:03 pm


Has Auburn every done this? I hope not, because I would be horrified to be from a school that did do this.

I’m not ashamed of Auburn being 1-4, but I would be mighty ashamed to be so ungracious to a rival.

Engelbert Humperdink 10/11/2012 at 8:20 am

You have no idea what horrified means, do you?

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:06 am

Or whorified?

AAMU MMW 11/10/2012 at 4:54 pm

Well I guess you’re about to be “mighty ashamed” because Auburn is doing the same thing for homecoming against AAMU.

Droite 10/10/2012 at 3:08 pm

Ole Miss’ homecoming court usually has a dozen or so maids. They also honor various alums, former teams, academic All-SECs, etc… during the Homecoming halftime. Having attended the last 29 Ole Miss HC games, I can tell you that the ceremony takes the entirety of halftime – to my chagrin. I don’t remember a HC opponent’s band every playing. Considering the late notice, I imagine it was impossible to accommodate.

As a side note, it might be better that you aren’t getting to play at halftime. The TX A&M band last week was unbelievable. It would be a hard act to follow (as the OM band learned).

Eleanor 10/10/2012 at 5:15 pm

The ‘late notice’ thing is what bothers me. It wasn’t late notice. The AUMB coming and playing has been arranged since May. Auburn was the one notified late, not being told we wouldn’t play just last Thursday long after making hotel arrangements and travel plans for the entire band.

Chris 10/30/2014 at 12:18 pm

It’s cute that you think there are hotel accommodations involved. The band will leave Auburn at an ungodly hour Friday night/Saturday morning, arrive in time to play for Tiger Walk, play in the stands, load back up on their buses after the game, and arrive back in Auburn sometime Sunday morning.

Stan 11/01/2014 at 1:11 pm

Wrong. That was an overnight trip.

Joshua 10/10/2012 at 8:09 pm

And regardless of what band has played in previous weeks, the AUMB always performs a strong and memorable halftime show. If they got on the field, it would surely be a performance to remember.

Jim 10/10/2012 at 3:12 pm

The Ole Miss marketing staff is very efficient. I’m sure they do not want to disrespect Auburn. Rest assured, there won’t be any dead time at halftime. I’m sure the band will play, the homecoming court will be announced, then other alumni will be recognized. I imagine that will leave roughly two or three minutes for the teams to kick. The staff puts in great effort to get everything right, and when you come Saturday, you’ll see that.

AUaero 10/10/2012 at 3:15 pm

” Unfortunately, late last week was the first time our athletics department became aware that Auburn expected to perform on the field, and it was simply too late.”

This is bull! When they approved the ticket block, they should’ve known that full band means performance. Auburn’s record aside, I’m sure that there is some SEC game where the visiting team is not bringing their full band so the Rebel Black Bears can have homecoming. There’s only one thing to say about this: IT’S A TRAP!!!!!

David 10/10/2012 at 3:22 pm

What does one expect from a University so morally and ethically bankrupt, that they have to steal their “new mascot” design from the University of Maine. SEC schools are part of a conference, that has always allotted approximately 7 minutes of halftime to the other side’s bands. Ole Miss is probably unfamiliar with that concept, because normally who wants to make a trip to Oxford.
This Ole Miss “marketing staff” (again, the one that had to lift Maine’s Black Bear to have a mascot) isn’t very efficient if it has zero concept of being in a conference with bands that go back to the 1890’s. You find a way to compress your activities into the 13 minutes of 20 minutes of halftime that you don’t give the visiting band. Obviously, 13 other schools in the SEC (a conference) aren’t so arrogant as to behave in the manner Ole Miss has chosen to behave. No class at all. Or better yet, do your Ole Miss band show during pregame or postgame.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 3:35 pm

Yes, that’s what we should do. Accommodate the visiting band at all costs, cutting our own programs and band performances short to make room for the visiting band to perform.

We’ve got a real AD for the first time in 60 years. No more bullying of poor little Ole Miss. The days of Ole Miss being gracious to the point of being taken advantage of are long gone. And it’s about time.

David 10/10/2012 at 3:55 pm

Every other SEC school accomodates the visiting school, bands, and fans. KKPsi, Phi Mu Alpha, TBS, and other music organizations even go to great lengths to provide hospitality to the visitors’ bands. This has nothing to do with Ole Miss being “gracious” or not. It’s about being part of a conference tradition, with conference bands going back to the beginnings of football.
That Ole Miss has an AD with no awareness of SEC tradition is clearly something for you folks to appreciate. I’ll point out there is a reason why the Sudler Trophy has been granted to 7 bands in the SEC: A&M, UA, AU, Georgia, LSU, and Arkansas… and not to Ole Miss. Clearly, there was a time when tradition mattered. Georgia had homecoming games where visiting bands performed. Auburn years ago used to have Florida State… and the Marching Chiefs were welcomed to perform, even though it was homecoming. If you don’t want the pageantry involved in being a member of a community, of a conference…. then leave that community. Leave the conference.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 4:03 pm

Wow… just, wow.

“If you don’t let our band perform at YOUR halftime show, even though it’s OUR fault for not telling your AD that we wanted to perform at this game 7 months ago, then YOU should leave the conference. Now. Go. Leave. Go ahead. Go home now. We don’t want to play with you because you’re band-haters. Anti-bandites are what you are. We’re taking our ball, our band and our underoos and we’re going home. Good LUCK playing football in the SEC!!!”

Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum at all.

Good luck with all that…

David 10/10/2012 at 4:15 pm

Frankly, you miss a point. Auburn indicated its band was coming to march when the schedule was made last spring by the SEC. That a new athletic staff was caught completely unaware until now is a case in point to the unprofessionality not of Auburn, but of the University of Mississippi.

Tim 10/10/2012 at 6:36 pm

I am pretty sure that is fake. nice try though

nobandsallowed 10/11/2012 at 9:41 pm

You only list 6 schools – thought 7 won the band trophy.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 3:25 pm

Good lord. Of all the things to whine about? Halftime performance by the band?

You guys really need to get some perspective. It’s Ole Miss’ Homecoming. There’s a REASON for this. Albeit, not one that the visiting fans are meant to or even expected to understand.

If Ole Miss had refused Auburn the chance to perform at halftime on a regular old SEC Saturday night, fine. I’ll agree with you. Hell, I’ll even write a letter on your behalf. But to complain about it when there is OBVIOUSLY more going on than can be fit into the 25 minutes is reaching and it makes you look really impetuous and despondent.

David 10/10/2012 at 3:30 pm

Richalds, you clearly have no clue about the history of bands in the SEC. Perhaps Auburn should just not have the football team come out for the third quarter and skip to the fourth quarter. Just give Ole Miss more time for these unbelievable Homecoming festivities. Real SEC schools are good hosts and would never show such disrespect for the other 13 bands in the conference.
Homecoming events if Ole Miss needs that much time could be done graciously before the game. It’s rude to take away the 7 to 8 minute window that all other SEC schools give their visitor’s band.

WoCM 10/10/2012 at 3:40 pm

You might want to consider the possibility that you are a stupid person. I say this not to be disrespectful, but because I am an objective and sober observer of reality, and I believe that accepting your condition may help to mitigate its negative consequences, both to you and those upon whom you are inflicted.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 3:41 pm

David, I’m not going to argue with you on this. You seem to think that Auburns band performing at halftime is more important than Ole Miss presenting their Homecoming show in what ever manner they choose. It’s OUR home game, it’s OUR Homecoming and it’s OUR decision.

Perhaps Auburn should have followed the long standing policy of sending notice of intent to perform to the home schools as soon as the schedule is announced? Sounds like they didn’t do that. So we planned our HC festivities without Auburns band. Sounds like your problem is with your own band director or AD, not with us.

David 10/10/2012 at 4:01 pm

Last I checked, member schools of a conference don’t play themselves. Your use of “our” as an exclusive is quite incorrect in a conference where it’s both yours and Auburn’s game. Although Ole Miss might have a better chance at winning if Auburn wasn’t there.

“Notice of intent to perform”? There’s no such thing in the SEC halftime policies. When Auburn’s AD asked for a block section to accomodate a 380-piece marching band…. emphasis on the word ‘marching’…. what do you think that means? The standard SEC policy used to be that a visiting band was given 7 minutes of the halftime block, with 30 seconds to clear the field. I only remember that from a Florida game planning document in the 80’s, so anyone with actual SEC policy knowledge can pipe up.
Alternately, Ole Miss’s actual AD you brag about should step in, and find a way to accomodate a visiting band either by granting time before the game, or moving other things around. Otherwise, I wouldn’t expect any other SEC school to ever be welcoming Ole Miss’ band for many years to come.

Tradition 10/10/2012 at 4:07 pm

“Hey did you hear about the Ole Miss band?”

“Yeah! They wouldn’t let the opposing team’s band play at their own homecoming! It’s almost like they have something else scheduled!”


— Nobody ever

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 4:08 pm

Good grief. You are really, really out of touch aren’t you?

This is as much Auburn’s game as it is OM’s game? Seriously?

Email your band director and AD right now. Ask them if prior notice is usually given BY the away teams band TO the home teams band/AD soon after the schedule is announced. Post their responses here.

Lastly. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BANDS!!!!!!!! Do you have ANY concept of how lame and pathetic you sound?

David 10/10/2012 at 4:19 pm

Yes, we’re talking about bands. On an AUBURN blog, for Auburn banter, and not and Ole Miss one. Take your superiority somewhere else. Clearly you don’t give a flip about marching bands and SEC tradition.
I already understand Auburn’s AD indicated last spring that AU’s band was attending and would perform, rather than just bringing a travel/pep band. Is it Auburn’s fault that Ole Miss can’t handle an AD staff transition and chooses to blame it on Auburn when it’s Ole Miss’s fault?
The SEC standard operating procedure for halftimes (at least at Florida) was that 7 to 8 minutes is always set aside for the visiting school’s band. If the home school wants to also use that block of time, they’d ask the visiting school to release it. A visiting school would also release that block if it was not sending its band. Of course, why should Ole Miss follow the same kind of procedures that Florida, Georgia, or LSU do? I mean, Ole Miss is so spesh and all, and can’t “be bullied” any more.

Louie Lipschitz 10/10/2012 at 3:34 pm

I guess they needed the extra time for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to speak. What a break through.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 3:42 pm

Now that’s funny.

Well played.

Tradition 10/10/2012 at 3:36 pm

What a joke this is. Due to the conference shakeup and Ole Miss’ previous OOC matchups earlier in the season, Auburn had to be pencilled in as the Homecoming game. Every team has a homecoming game and it just so happens that your band won’t have enough time to perform. When have you HAD (not just ‘enough time to allow’) an opposing band play for your homecoming game? Do you guys really just sit around and wait to get offended over something you guys should have realized earlier but didn’t? I used to think Ole Miss fans liked to bitch about nothing but this just takes the cake.

Hippo 10/10/2012 at 3:46 pm

This isn’t that big of a deal and there are multiple times every year where an opposing team sends a band and it doesn’t perform at halftime. Homecoming games rarely feature an opposing band performing, even if it is vs a SEC team. And Ole Miss has one of the longer homecoming presentations that I have seen. Many teams don’t even send full bands to away games because of the costs. Arkansas rarely sends a full band to away games outside of a couple opponents.

AUaero, the ticket block is the exact same whether a team has a full band, a pep band or no band. The SEC requires its schools to give a certain number of tickets to the away team. The away team then gets to use them as they wish. So even if Auburn took no band to Ole Miss, they would get the same number of tickets as if they sent a full band.

All in all, this is a very, very minor thing to be upset about.

ColonelReb 10/10/2012 at 4:08 pm

This game was chosen as HC long before Auburn decided which games to send its entire band to. Maybe next time they should find someone who can google for them.

JW 10/11/2012 at 5:49 am

Sorry, but you are incorrect in your information.
Also, your first sentence is grammaticaly incorrect.
This affair is unfortunate because it will be remembered for many years as a slight to a fellow SEC school.

Engelbert Humperdink 10/11/2012 at 8:28 am

It’s the band. It won’t be remembered in two weeks. At least not by anyone outside Auburn’s music department.

Nice grammar smack, though. Is this your first time on the internet?

Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 4:19 pm


“unprofessionality” is not a word.

And no, you did NOT inform us that your band wanted to perform. You simply reserved tickets for your entire band. We have reserved tickets for our entire band at several away game. Some of which we have performed and some of which we did not.

Email your AD and Band director. Ask them directly instead of making things up to defend your ridiculous assertions (that’ a real word).

Max 10/11/2012 at 1:07 am

HEY jim

I’ve talked to the AUMB’s director in person and he told me that yes we informed ole miss that we intended to march during halftime. So take all this crap and shove it.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 8:41 am

How DARE you question my SEC Band knowledge and inside information. I am shocked an appalled by the level of utter disregard for personal safety and well being in this blog. I’m writing a strongly worded letter to Mike Slive, Dr Gogue and Mr Jay Jacobs requesting that this blog be formally reprimanded, suspended and investigated fully for vicious and willful disregard of fully unsupported facts and presented opinions.

Some of you reasonable Auburn fans need to clean up this filth and slime to make the world a safer place for SEC Band Affiliated Blog Posting and Internet Discussion and Mutual Sharing. For shame, Auburn. FOR SHAME!!!

Max 10/11/2012 at 10:50 am

Calm down dude lol. You are taking this way to serious. For one if i hurt you feelings for saying that all the stuff you are saying about my school is crap and quoting the end of a cheer that is sec approved then I’m sorry but what are you doing on this blog to begin with? defending your team? Dude if anything this is a great way for people to vent and no one get hurt in the process. Good day….

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 12:34 pm

I almost feel bad for all of you.


Dr Jim Richalds 10/10/2012 at 4:26 pm

You are damaged goods if you think the HOME team needs to ask permission to use the VISITING teams “7 minutes of halftime”.

And no. You are wrong. The AD at Auburn did NOT specifically inform the AD or Band director at OM of an intent or request to perform. They simply reserved a block for the entire band. NO CORRESPONDENCE ABOUT PERFORMING AT ALL has been received by either this administration or the previous administration.
Please, for the love of all things SEC, EMAIL YOUR AD AND BAND DIR. Get the story from them…

David 10/11/2012 at 10:12 am

Hello, Dr. Youporn Richalds…. I emailed my AD and Band Director at the college I teach at. Considering we don’t play Ole Miss, I’m not sure what that would achieve. However, they commented that Ole Miss sure doesn’t have much class. I also checked with old friends back at Florida in the AD office (my band director retired many years ago). They said Ole Miss sure doesn’t have much experience not to have fixed the problem without it becoming an embarrassment to Ole Miss. They assume it’s because no one in the SEC in a current AD’s office would have taken a job at Ole Miss if they’d been given, and I quote, “Houston’s left behind Nutts”.
So, instead I checked with Auburn, which notified Ole Miss in *MAY* that the full band would attend and perform a halftime show during the block said aside for the visiting school. Of course, we’ll hear nothing from you now, as you’re too busy with, erm, other activities.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:24 am

Youporn? What is that? Should I google it?

One more thing. If you’re a teacher using syntax like “…at the college I teach at.” I weep for the future.

David 10/11/2012 at 10:54 am

The board doesn’t have an edit. So what. I can fix my grammar. You can’t fix your assholiness.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 12:37 pm

How did you get from Jim to Youporn? Accidentally copied your browsers address bar did we?

And you are completely right. I can’t fix my assholiness (good word). Just like you can’t fix your virginity.

War Eagle Girl 10/10/2012 at 4:33 pm

My vote is just to change to a pep band or no band and send the full band to a game that is willing to let them play. I hope this is what the director will do. No sense in taking the full band when it’s not needed. I guess it’s too late to make reservations at other games since those have to be made months in advance. It’s a shame that it’s come to this since most band members look forward to these trips. My daughter was in the band and the work they put in is unbelievable. And usually it is their treat to go to away games and seniors get first choice.
All y’all’s bickering isn’t going to change anything and only cause hard feelings. Seems like BOTH sides should have prepared better.

Rebel Girl 10/10/2012 at 7:13 pm

War Eagle Girl…you are most welcome at Ole Miss anytime! It would indeed be a pleasure to host an Auburn fan like you. I, too, cannot remember the performance of the visiting band playing at Homecoming halftime. I think your options could very well take care of this imagined slight with the unusual scheduling of a SEC opponent for HC. I wish safe travel for all of the Auburn fans, team, and administration who will be here for this important game. And I cannot imagine anyone not being treated with the same hospitality for which we are known in the world of college football!

Stephen 10/10/2012 at 7:39 pm

Hi War Eagle Girl, as a member of the AUMB myself it is far to late to make this change. We booked hotels, buses, catering, storage, etc. way back in Spring when we notified Ole Miss. This means the trip is payed for and cannot be cancelled, plus knowing for a long time that this was a full band trip with a halftime performance many band member’s had their parents buy tickets to see this show, possibly the only show they will see all year, and being told LAST THURSDAY that we would not be able to perform is a devastating blow to the entire AUMB who has been working extremely hard to prepare an entire new show in a week! Furthermore, we only have two to three full band trips per year, and to have this one already set in stone where we do not even get to perform at? What a waste. A waste of time, money, and effort.

I hope this all gets worked out for both sides, but even if it doesn’t I will still be there cheering on my team. Yes I am not pleased at all with how Ole Miss is handling this, but the band will still be there to keep our fans energized and keep our players strong no matter the score.

The King Has Returned 10/10/2012 at 4:56 pm

As an Ole Miss fan I find this a bit troubling, frankly. I was looking forward to hearing the Auburn University Marching Band do their rendition of “I’ve got the moves like Mick Jagger”.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:13 am

You think that was good, their version of Gangnam Style is off. The. CHIZAIN.

Joe Merchant 10/10/2012 at 5:07 pm

War Eagle Girl and David,

Do y’all each have a flute?

David 10/11/2012 at 10:13 am

No, but your rusty trombone is in clear evidence.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:26 am

BOOYAH!!! Now where has THIS sense of humor been hiding? We could have been having some serious game week fun, shenanigans and tomfoolery this whole time!!


Southern Mom 10/10/2012 at 5:12 pm

No matter who messed up and did not communicate, I am embarrassed for Ole Miss. A school of Southern graciousness and manners should make accommodations for their guests. Your Mamas taught you better than that. Be ashamed of your lack of hospitality. I find it difficult to believe that a compromise could not be reached.

Tradition 10/10/2012 at 5:50 pm

You’re right. A game designated to celebrate Ole Miss’ students and alumni should definitely focus on Auburn. How dare they make plans instead of watching Auburn’s marching band perform instead of honoring present and former students like they do every year for homecoming. This is certainly a result of the entirety of Ole Miss being selfish and inhospitable and nothing to do with homecoming celebrations and traditions.

What a joke.

YO 10/10/2012 at 6:43 pm

everyone seems to miss the fact that the Auburn Band isn’t something that can just be picked up and moved around. They are a huge organization who have to plan for months and months at many peoples expense to organize and get things like this together. The Band travels for a reason. They go places for a reason. It is simply rude and troublesome for Ole Miss to do this to them. If anything all they needed to do was let the Au Band staff know much sooner.

Max 10/11/2012 at 1:15 am

Well if we were given a heads up sooner all this might have been avoided. We were only informed last thursday that we were not going to be allowed to march and yes we informed ole miss that we intended to march thus the entire AUMB is going to be there. We only take the full band if we intend to march

Revonda 10/10/2012 at 5:35 pm

My son is in the AUMB and as i understand, Ole Miss knew that we would be bringing the entire band in early May. I am vengeful so i would play our halftime show from the stands during the regular time for the visiting band. WDE

Tradition 10/10/2012 at 5:53 pm

How dare Ole Miss have homecoming celebrations, you should definitely show your class by having the Auburn play over their celebrations from the stands. That would definitely show how much more respectful Auburn is than those dastardly Ole Miss folks…

WarEagle132 10/10/2012 at 5:38 pm

I have talked to the AUMB director and notice was given to Ole Miss back in May that the full band would be attending and performing at half time for the game. That notice was received and confirmed by Ole Miss. It was not until last Thursday that the band was informed that they would no longer be able to perform. While it would be nice to change to a pep band for this trip and take the full band to a different game to perform, this is impossible to do this late into the season. These plans are made in the spring so that seats, buses, and hotels can be booked. It’s not easy moving 380 people around. That being said, there is no way Ole Miss would not have known the band intended on coming and performing. If their was a failure to communicate this to the Ole Miss athletic department, it was done on their side, not Auburn’s. Auburn has records of their communication.

While I fully understand that it is Ole Miss’s homecoming and they need part of halftime for their festivities, the issue lies with the fact that they approved the band to play and then changed their mind a week before the game. This type of action is unacceptable. The amount of money spent on this trip could have been spent bringing the band to another game had they been informed correctly in May that they could not perform. There were other game options for full band trips.

The band is respecting Ole Miss’s wishes and will not be performing at halftime as of now. They will still take the full group to the game to play in the stands and support their team. We are all part of the Auburn family so the band will not disappoint our team or fans by sitting this one out due to the circumstances. Some may argue that a football game is only about football. But here at Auburn we truly are a family and support each other. The band is just as important to the game day atmosphere as the cheerleaders and the fans. If you have ever attended a SEC game with no band then you realize how big of an impact they have on the game day experience.

Tradition 10/10/2012 at 5:57 pm

Surely nothing changed for the SEC over the summer that would impact the SEC schedule in any way and force games to be changed from their original dates and times… Nope. Definitely Ole Miss just trying to slight Auburn’s band in an attempt to have a homecoming celebration. What a bunch of freaks they are. I bet they laughed maniacally while they told the Auburn band director they could no longer play too.

Max 10/11/2012 at 1:23 am

Dude you need to give it a rest. Guy here is just saying how it is and your being a complete “alabama fan” about it. You give tradition a bad name. And if this ^^^ is what your tradition is about…then thank God I’m and Auburn Tiger. Its people like you who ruin the sport. Have a good life

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 8:43 am

What sport? Band playing?

Max 10/11/2012 at 10:40 am

well no jim the sport of football but i guess band too. If you know so much about bands then you know that they work hard and they go to compete too so lighten up a bit and let some folks vent a little thats what anyone one posts on here is doing no need to have a fit

Daniel 10/10/2012 at 5:47 pm

Having been a member of AUMB, I know exactly how much energy goes into an away game for the band. You have to get up incredibly early, ride several hours on the bus, have a practice, change on the bus, play at tigerwalk, sit in the stands doing nothing for about an hour prior to kickoff, stand up for the first half, do a halftime show, stand through the second half, walk back to the buses through opposing fans (who are either upset over the loss or bragging over the win), change on the bus again, ride all the way back to auburn, return your instrument to storage, and finally your in bed 20+ hours later.
It probably would take some of the exhaustion out of the trip, but, when it comes down to it, the halftime show is a lot of the reason the band shows up in its entirety. It is unreal to think that the band will have to go through all this and not play a halftime show!
Way to show class Ole Miss.

Angry Bando 10/10/2012 at 5:57 pm

That e-mail is also inlaid with lies. Our band director informed him that we would be coming to the game with a full band on May 7th, if I remember correctly. They knew we would be marching a show.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:18 am

“show” is a strong word, don’t you think?

Maybe it would best be described as a “display”. Or maybe an “impression”?
How about a “thing”. They knew we would be marching a thing. Yeah, that’s better.

bbyt 10/11/2012 at 9:56 am


Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:27 am

That stings me, deeply.

The Bag Man 10/10/2012 at 6:10 pm

I hear Ole Miss will cancel Homecoming for $180,000 or so. Anybody know where Auburn can find that kind of cash to insure things go the War Eagle way?

Also, to David–you sure know a lot about SEC Tradition and bands. I’m going to guess you were in the band. Well, let me fill you in on a secret…outside of former band members, the only tradition with bands in the SEC is that 90% of the remaining people in the stadium don’t care. I’m sure you’ll survive this horrible slight.

Roll Tide.

Max 10/11/2012 at 1:27 am

^^^^that right there….Typical bama fan… WDE

David 10/11/2012 at 11:01 am

Yes, he’s a Bama fan, but there’s no way he’s a Bama graduate. Anyway, my high school band director was a graduate of the Unversity of Alabama, and played four years in the Million Dollar Band. I mean, for this joker to suggest that SEC bands don’t have tradition and then say Roll Tide shows he’s a complete tool. He likely doesn’t know a word of the fight song…. and probably has no clue sending the Georgia Tech Yellowjackets to a watery grave is directly connected to why the UAMB is “the Million Dollar Band” and that those traditions go back to the 1920’s.

Sal 10/11/2012 at 8:02 am

Anybody know where Ole Miss will find the thousands of dollars it takes to send the AUMB to a game they confirmed they would be marching in?

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:24 am


Jackie 10/10/2012 at 6:15 pm

Just to clear things up: the Auburn band has a written contract from Ole Miss that states they could perform this weekend which happens to be dated May 7th. The AUMB would not have scheduled a full band trip if they had known they would not be allowed to perform back in May. The issue isn’t so much that they can’t perform, but that they weren’t notified until last week. In fact, the Ole Miss AD has stated the Auburn director and athletic department did everything they should have, but they simply reconsidered and changed their minds.

The AUMB, and any SEC band, schedules these trips many months in advance. It is incredibly disrespectful to do what Ole Miss has done and refuse to uphold their end of the contract.

There are much larger issues at stake here.

DeltaMark 10/11/2012 at 7:37 am

If they indeed have a contract, this is a simple issue. My bet it that AU’s copy of the “contract” is lost.

TigerGirl 10/10/2012 at 6:19 pm

Someone made a mistake, and it looks like it was Ole Miss. But let’s show them some grace. We sound like little kids. I know our band is disappointed, and they have every right to be.
Y’all need to remember that this is the school that threw trash on our field during the Auburn Alma Mater, Tubby’s first year. Granted, they were a little ticked off that Tuberville had left Ole Miss for Auburn, and I don’t blame them for that. But that was still tacky, and what is so sad, it was mainly adults. I was there, I saw it happen. The majority of the Ole Miss students were very polite. I live in Mississippi, this is the school our lawyers and doctors attended!
This is also the school band that played “Sweet Home Alabama” as our team was coming on the field after half time in 1990 and the cheerleaders led their fans in yelling, “Go to hell, Auburn Tigers, go to hell.”
Now, I hate that our band can’t play at halftime. But lets show Ole Miss which school has the classiest fans! War Eagle! Love my Tigers!

Phil 10/10/2012 at 6:21 pm

Has AU ever allowed a visiting band to march during the homecoming game? I would bet the answer is no.

bbyt 10/10/2012 at 10:00 pm

You know what happens when you assume? It was mentioned earlier that Auburn used to allow the Florida State Marching Chiefs to perform during Auburn’s halftime.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:26 am

Yes. Because we all know that it is illegal to put anything on the internet that is false. So therefore, we can conclude that “If you read it on the internet, it HAS to be true”.


bbyt 10/11/2012 at 9:58 am

Prove me wrong.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:29 am

Burden of proof is on you, bro.

The Real Dr Jim Richards 10/11/2012 at 10:39 am

This guy is a tool bag.

The Really Real Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:51 am

I know, right?

Jackie 10/10/2012 at 6:26 pm

I thinkwe’re re past arguing that point, Phil. Really we’re upset with how the situation has been handled. If they didn’t want the AUMB to March at their homecoming they shouldn’t have agreed 5 months ago.

Wargle2012 10/10/2012 at 6:52 pm

The other issue which people are missing is that this is not just affecting the band. Its affecting those who planned on coming to the game with the thought that they would see the AUMB perform. Personally, I have about 20 family members coming to this game, most of which have never seen an SEC game live. The fact that the Ole Miss athletic department did not inform the AUMB that they would be allowed to perform until late last week is completely inconsiderate, not only to the AUMB members and staff, but the visiting fans as well.

Phil 10/10/2012 at 7:11 pm

Not passed it at all. If AU wouldn’t allow another band to play at halftime of homecoming it is completely unreasonable to assume you could visit another school and play homecoming. Much less get your feelings hurt over the matter.

Eleanor 10/10/2012 at 9:19 pm

It isn’t an allowing bands to play at halftime issue, it’s a notifying bands whether they will be able to play or not issue. Auburn’s homecoming games often don’t have opposing band’s halftime shows not because we denied them, but because they are aware they would not be given the chance to perform and choose to send a pep band. Auburn, despite Ole Miss agreeing in May to a full band trip and halftime show, will now be ‘wasting’ a full band trip on a game that could have been just a pep band. Were they notified earlier, alternate arrangements could have been made and this mess would be avoided.

David 10/11/2012 at 10:18 am

Actually, Eleanor, any visiting school would always be given a 7 to 8 minute window at Georgia, Florida, Auburn, LSU, A&M, …. if they had brought a band. Even back when the Iron Bowl was played at Legion, the halftime shows were coordinated between UA’s and AU’s band directors. The Florida-Georgia game continues a similar tradition of working everything out. Homecoming “festivities” are usually done as part of the 13 minutes remaining for the home school.
This is moot though, as Auburn has the May memoranda in hand.

Jorge Posada 10/10/2012 at 7:16 pm

Let’s cancel the football game and have a battle of the bands. Of course it will only be entertaining if we invite the JSU Sonic Boom.

James 10/10/2012 at 7:26 pm

Has anyone who’s saying Ole Miss messed up here ever actually been to a college homecoming? No matter where you go, it always takes the entire halftime period, and no opposing band ever plays (and bands travel to their opponent’s homecoming more frequently than you’d think, see Mississippi State vs. Alcorn State two years ago). I’m sorry, but this can be nothing else than Auburn’s band administration’s fault for not checking to make sure this wasn’t Ole Miss’s homecoming when they scheduled a full band trip. It’s not as if Ole Miss just decided this week that homecoming would be this Saturday; it’s no doubt been scheduled for months. And it’s ridiculous to think that Ole Miss should be obligated to make arrangements to alter their homecoming ceremony just because Auburn’s band staff only recently realized their mistake.

Susie 10/10/2012 at 8:23 pm

This is in no way the Auburn’s band administration’s fault and I am blown away that you would even think of saying this. Auburn requested 380 seats and requested to play at halftime in May. If Ole Miss knew it was their homecoming and they did not want an opposing band to play, then they should have denied the request. It is not the visiting band’s job to check if the game is a homecoming game. Nor is it practical to think that they would assume this game could be that, given that an SEC match up is not a typical homecoming set up. Ole Miss has known this since they made the schedule that this was homecoming so they should have never granted the request. But because they made a mistake and did, they should have noticed it sooner and told the band much sooner than they did.

Auburn did everything they were supposed to. Things happened and they ended up with the short end of the stick. It sucks. But they are dealing with it. There is nothing that anyone can do to fix the situation. The band will not be playing in the stands over the homecoming celebrations or any participate in any other low blows of retaliation. They will continue to be a respectful and classy organization and they will support their time with pride. A mistake was made. The end.
The reason the story is being talked about is so that Auburn fans will know what happened and why their full band is just sitting in the stands or why they “wasted money on a trip” when they were not performing.

Spirit 10/10/2012 at 7:49 pm

Okay. This is getting kind of ridiculous. Yes, OM could have notified Auburn sooner and yes, it sucks. It also sucks for the parents who will not get to see their child perform, but they should be proud of them and know how hard they work anyways. It also sucks that Auburn has to move 380 band members to the game and not perform a halftime show. But we, as a band, go to these games not to show off, but to help support our team. Even if we don’t get to perform, we should still be supportive to a team who needs us and our spirit.
War Eagle Anyways

DBAU81 10/10/2012 at 8:34 pm

Just kick Ole Miss’s butt Saturday and we’ll all feel better.

James Westfall 10/15/2012 at 9:44 am


SergeantPepper 10/10/2012 at 8:50 pm

All I can say is that the Ole Miss (and Alabama, Mr. “The Bag Man,” you’re just that trashy that you have to get a “roll tide” in on anything Auburn, whether it concerns Alabama in ANY way or not) fans posting on an AUBURN blog pitching a fit in Ole Miss’s defense need to actually learn what they’re talking about before jumping into the fray. “Dr Jim Richalds” is probably the most clueless of them all and yet is a pompous *insert word of choice, I could not think of one that was appropriate to post* who obviously thinks he’s omniscient.
I am far more angry over this situation that I was originally after reading both the blatant lies of the Senior Associate AD (that Ole Miss was not informed of the AUMB’s intent to perform until last week, since it has been established repeatedly that every bit of this trip was planned in MAY, including a halftime performance) and the classless, uninformed comments that have pervaded this discussion thread.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:00 am

*I’d have gone with “magniloquent”.

Honestly dude. And I’m being dead. Friggin. Serious here. If anyone, either Auburn or Ole Miss actually feels real, actual anger about this situation, those people need to visit a mental health professional asafp.

This is the band. This is a stupid situation as the result of miscommunication (I don’t care which side is to blame). Anyone who wastes even one, single electron of their energy on being upset over this has some SERIOUS priority issues. This is by FAR and away, one of the most hilarious, pathetic, ridiculous and downright irrelevant “problems” between two SEC schools that has ever been recorded.

Congrats on taking the term “butthurt” to an all time, epic low. So deep in fact, that not even James Cameron could elevate it.

$180,000 Man 10/11/2012 at 4:23 pm

No one’s “pitching a fit,” I assure you. We just find it hilarious how much much butthurt you all have over not being able to make shapes in the firld while performing a tired rendition of “Play That Funky Music White Boy.”

Here’s the bottom line: If your band director really thought that Ole Miss was going to take time out of their homecoming, the he is a complete moron.

Haley 10/10/2012 at 10:02 pm

As has been said a few times before, the AUMB booked a whole band trip over 5 months ago. Ole Miss can’t claim they didn’t know they wanted to perform. As for those saying its “just a silly band,” clearly you have no respect for your own band, but as for Auburn, our entire school is a family, so of course we’re offended when someone disrespects our family.

I’m not here just to try to bash Ole Miss (I have a friend who is actually on their homecoming court this year), but I’m shocked that their own school officials don’t have more class than this. I’ve never been to a football game where a visiting school with a full band wasn’t allowed to play at halftime. The schools have always made time in their schedule to allow for the other team’s band to play all of their show.

Whether it’s Ole Miss or even if it was Auburn pulling a stunt like this, it’s completely unclassy. It’s not like they were asking for the band to be allowed to take up all of halftime or even to stop Ole Miss from having homecoming activities, but just to allow some amount of time to let the band play. I believe any school should allow for that much.

SabanIsTheDevil 10/10/2012 at 10:10 pm

Look! A Unicorn!

SabanIsTheDevil 10/10/2012 at 10:15 pm

I love Auburn… Dearly, always have. But this seems like Faux Outrage. Honestly, for 85% of the people at the game, homecoming included, halftime is when you piss and get a refill… I just can’t get that pissed about this. Now our QB situation… That Is rage worthy.

War Damn Eagle!

Aubie 10/10/2012 at 10:49 pm

I read above that there was a written contract made back in May. If that is in fact true….seek reimbursement from Old Miss for the extra travel costs. I’m sure Eli and Archie can pitch in for the expenses…..heck, why we’re at it….see if John Grisham can throw in a few bucks.

Brian Evander 10/10/2012 at 11:06 pm

Florida Gator over here, just heard about this and disgusted. From four years of going to football games in undergrad and another three in law school, I have never seen or heard of a visiting band not being allowed to perform at half time. If they’re there, they’re given time. To deny Auburn’s marching band even a few minutes to perform is disrespectful, but to act as though the impetus is on Auburn to schedule what is all-but-assumed with Ole Miss weeks in advance is downright piss-poor. Sorry that you all will not have the opportunity to perform, but I hope this faux pas isn’t the most embarrassing thing to happen to Ole Miss this week. Take them down, tigers. WDE.

David 10/11/2012 at 10:24 am

Honestly, it sucks that Auburn doesn’t come to the Swamp every year. I miss back when Auburn’s band would always go to Gainesville in the 70’s and 80’s…. made for a damn great halftime with their band there along. The fun year was when Auburn invited Florida’s band to their Halloween party the night before the game at the old Days Inn on 75. Although only a few went…. that was classy. As was the passing out of beverages after halftime by the hosting band whether it was Auburn down to Gainesville, or Florida going north to AU. Wish the SEC would send Vanderbilt to the West and Auburn back to the East where it should have been from the get go. Let AU have their “lock” game with ‘Bama, and bring back the wrong orange and blue to the Swamp every year.

$180,000 Man 10/10/2012 at 11:09 pm

So Ole Miss’s AD said he didn’t know, so therefore he is absolved from blame. Auburn officials should understand this completely considering they made the same excuse when buying Cam Newton.

Rebel 10/10/2012 at 11:09 pm

Wow y’all have really run out of things to talk about now that your team is horrible. Big deal its homecoming its completely understandable. Sorry your band doesn’t get to play but I would be focusing on the game and not your band. They are not the ones that are going to win it for y’all. Of course neither is your team. Hotty Toddy

WDE 10/10/2012 at 11:12 pm

I do not know why we bother taking our full band to Oxford since they never return the favor by bringing their full band to Auburn. We just need to stick with taking our band on away trips with those schools who return the favor such as LSU, UGA, Bama, UT, etc.

WDE 10/11/2012 at 12:05 am

Hotty toddy, gosh all mighty, who the hell are we, flim flam, bim bam, shut the h&^% up Ole Miss!

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:28 am

Pfffttt, ^^^^ doesn’t even rhyme.

If a bear shits in the woods... 10/11/2012 at 12:29 am

This is why Auburn fans suck.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 8:45 am

Well, it’s not the ONLY reason why…

Auburn 10/11/2012 at 9:37 am

Dear God, you’re an Ole Miss fan. There is nothing you don’t suck at.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:38 am

Ohhhh, the irony.

DougEFresh 10/11/2012 at 6:32 am

Well it’s obvious that, for this grievous sin, we should a) accept an immediate death penalty for our entire athletics program b) pay reparations to every FBS school band program in the country and c) allow the Auburn band to drunkenly pillage the Square (after free beer from Ajax). Sheesh, why do I get the feeling that if they were 6-0 and ranked 5th the the country we would have never seen such a colossal waste of cyberspace. Get. A. Life. Dude.

DeltaMark 10/11/2012 at 7:56 am

For the record, in 2010, Ole Miss was the homecoming opponent for both Alabama and Tennessee. Our band traveled to both games but did not perform. Last year, I went to the Arkansas v. South Carolina homecoming game in Fayetteville. USC’s band did not perform. I can’t speak to other games or schools first hand, but do not ever remember there being enough time for an opposing band at any homecoming at any school. If indeed OM agreed to allow Auburn to play and AU has a written contract acknowledging such (as has been asserted by someone “in the know”), then OM should reimburse AU for band expenses at the least. I understand this wont help the families that are traveling to see their children perform, but reimbursing the band is the minimum. However, I’ll be greatly surprised if said contract actually exists. It would be a public record and would be easy to obtain a copy of for someone that has an interest.

DeltaMark 10/11/2012 at 7:59 am

AND, talking about our Bear being jacked from Maine… You may want to research when AU became the oh so uncommon Tigers before you make such assertions!

David 10/11/2012 at 10:41 am

The Ole Miss Black Bear animated drawing is a direct lift off the University of Maine’s Bananas the Black Bear animated drawing which was trademarked in 1971. Good luck with that.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 12:43 pm

And you know this, how? Were you hiding in the Ole Miss Mascot War room during it’s conception? Were you privy to inside info from a member of the mascot team?

Other than the fact that one piece of bear art work looks alot like another (or almost all others, because they are all bears and stuff) piece of bear art, what proof do you have?

Matt 10/11/2012 at 9:01 am

Play the show from the stands while the do their homecoming activities.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:30 am

^^^^^ Speaking of staying classy!!!

Fight fire with fire, I always say.

Wendy 10/11/2012 at 9:10 am

I do not believe for one minute that the athletic department found out last week that the AUMB was bringing the full band. I have known since August that the AUMB was planning a performance for this game. These kids put a lot of time, effort and dedication into their performance each week. And someone who has never been in a marching band could not possible understand this. I bet all of you who are saying “oh please….the band” has never watch a halftime show. I bet you are the one who takes the opportunity to stand in line for the bathroom/concession stands.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:40 am

So you’re saying I should pee in the stands while watching the halftime show? That’s creepy, weird and disgusting.

AUbandMOM 10/11/2012 at 10:53 pm

You are just a freaking idiot! Are your best friends Updyke and Downing? Because you have about as much CLASS as they do. I hope the other Ole Miss fans are ashamed of you!!!

Dr Jim Richalds 10/12/2012 at 8:44 am

Look. My plan was to ask you if I could squire you about town
as one band parent helping another band parent, because I know what it’s like to be lonely in a new city.

But now, I am too hurt. And shocked and offended and… and hurt.

Louie Lipschitz 10/11/2012 at 9:13 am

does the new queen live with Leann? just wondering. Al and Jesse are proud of this day and will speak at half time instead of any band music being played.

Brick Tamland 10/11/2012 at 9:20 am


Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 9:31 am

Somebody FINALLY get’s it.


James Meredith 10/11/2012 at 9:34 am

Just play Bob Dylan’s “Oxford Town” throughout the game and be done with it. This will be a great way to help Ole Miss celebrate their ongoing traditions and history on homecoming weekend.

If a bear shits in the woods... 10/11/2012 at 10:12 am

Because everyone knows Auburn is a bastion of racial openness and harmony.

WoCM 10/11/2012 at 11:45 am

What should our band play in 2 years when Auburn reaches the 50th anniversary of its integration?

James Meredith 10/12/2012 at 10:57 am

math is hard

WoCM 10/11/2012 at 12:08 pm

Or maybe you guys can send your klansmen to protest on our campus again:

Dr Jim Richalds 10/12/2012 at 8:45 am

Boy, all those Auburn attacks and class comments sure dried up after this post, eh?

bbyt 10/11/2012 at 10:22 am

The Ole Miss fans that are trolling this comment section are doing a good job. Way to represent your school.

Having said the above, I received an email response from Mr. Michael Thompson. He hinted that there was a miscue between whoever Auburn informed and Ole Miss Athletics, and he was still trying to incorporate time for the AUMB to perform a show during pregame.

Despite the trolls ITT, I have nothing but respect for Mr. Thompson.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 10:46 am

And in one delicious, spectacular, wondrous fell swoop, bbyt proves every single Auburn fan in this comment thread wholly and completely incorrect.

Ole Miss is NOT unilaterally excluding the AUMB. Ole Miss is, in point of fact working to provide time for the AUMB “activities”. Ole Miss Ath Dept staff are NOT classless, heartless, cold or dismissive.

OH HAPPY DAY!!! JOY TO THE SEC MASSES!!! AUBURN BAND WILL PLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This band show… errr… football game is complete.

Shame on all of you for lashing out at our fantastic staff without knowing all the facts. I would be embarrassed and ashamed to be an Auburn fan on this day.

Well done, bbyt. Well done indeed, sir.

bbyt 10/11/2012 at 10:54 am

Still trolling I see. I actually proved every Auburn fan who said “this is not Auburn’s fault” correct. Also, anyone who said “this is a failure on Ole Miss’ part” was also correct.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 12:52 pm

Hey, you can’t put this on me. I’m not even using bait and I’ve got fish literally JUMPING into the boat screaming “Pick me!! Pick me!! Can I be next to ride the filet knife rollercoaster?!??!”

Best. Blog. EVAR!!!

Concerned Citizen 10/11/2012 at 11:07 am

Dr. Jim Richards,

What exactly are you the doctor of, to have time to spend all day on an Auburn Blog? Shouldn’t you have some patients to see?

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 12:46 pm

This is a reverse troll, right? It’s got to be. There’s no possible way you are that naive and sheltered.

I refuse to believe you.

David 10/11/2012 at 10:49 am

Good for him. I’m sure he wishes he’d contemplated finding space in pre-game before it became wide knowledge. That would have been a rational solution to offer from the get-go last week. Bands doing exhibitions before games has been done at many SEC schools going back many years. Many high school bands used to be invited up into the 80’s to perform their halftime shows before games and during halftimes early in the seasons when SEC school start dates tended towards late September.

Jessica 10/11/2012 at 10:43 am

I am an Auburn student who fully supports the Auburn band. but I feel that they are being selfish. If Ole Miss would like to celebrate their homecoming by not having them on the field then they should respect that. Its their homecoming football game on their field and if they don’t want the away team’s band to play then I do not see a problem. They should be respectful and just go and play during the game and not at half time or don’t go at all.

John Galt 10/11/2012 at 11:56 am

I get that the band is disappointed, but do we let bands play at halftime of our homecoming games? I honestly cannot remember. The issue seems to be that we are a “homecoming opponent, and that the Ole Miss admin dropped the ball.

Wargle2012 10/11/2012 at 1:22 pm

The biggest reason this is a problem is because Ole Miss signed a contract in May, chose not to fulfill the obligations of that contract (which is fine), but did not give Auburn proper notice (not fine). The athletics department helps pay for one full band trip each year with the expectation that the band will play. Ole Miss dropped the ball and refuses to take blame for the matter.

DeltaMark 10/11/2012 at 1:44 pm

A contract is a contract. You don’t just choose not to fulfill it. That is the purpose of a contract…to obligate each party to certain actions. If you do not fulfill your side of a contract, there is a penalty. This should be very simple! However, even though the contract would be a public document, no one seems to have a copy. If I were as upset as some posters on this blog seem to be, I would have obtained a copy of the contract and be demanding that my AD enforce it. Since so many people here are familiar with the contract, what is the default clause?

DeltaMark 10/11/2012 at 1:52 pm

I apologize, I just realized AU doesn’t have a law school…the default clause states the penalty if one side defaults on the contract. That means it spells out what we have to give you or do for you if we don’t let your band perform (if said conttract ever existed).

ClintonInHelen 10/11/2012 at 1:23 pm

I’d hit it.

Dr Jim Richalds 10/11/2012 at 3:46 pm

MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!

Ace 10/11/2012 at 1:38 pm

It’s the band…………………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……

Brick Tamland 10/11/2012 at 2:37 pm

I killed a rebel black bear with a trident.

Jughead 10/11/2012 at 4:08 pm

I’ve never understand the appeal of the piccolo. Useless instrument if you ask me. And don’t get me started on John Philip Sousa. “Say, I’ve got an idea. Let’s play our instruments AND MARCH AT THE SAME TIME! It’ll be wild! We’ll be the center of attention during intermissions of football contests.”

If you ask me, the world would be a better place if Hoover had never involved himself in the ridiculous internecine brouhaha between Sousa and the Non-Ambulatory Musicians Federation.

BillFremp 10/11/2012 at 5:11 pm

I bet Coach Chiz gone put this on the bulletin board, yall! 2-4, HERE WE COME WEAGLE WEAGLE WEAGLE!

BrandonBP 10/11/2012 at 7:15 pm

It’s impressive that it’s this important to AU to perform at Ole Miss to have generated this many posts. I would actually see it as a compliment that AU really, really, really wants Ole Miss to see their band. That is, until the name calling started.

Can someone explain to me how it makes all Ole Miss alums and students “classless” because some band director or administrator decided not to allow your band to play at halftime? How can one person make a decision with which you do not agree and thus make you conclude that the entire University has no class?

I’ve been to two AU games. I really enjoyed myself. I was truly impressed at how my friends and I were treated by the AU fans. One of those games happened to be Traitorville’s first year at AU. Even though Ole Miss won, I still felt as if the AU fans were very gracious hosts afterwards. Two days ago, I told a friend that – of all my SEC road trips – AU was by far the nicest fanbase I’d ever experienced.

Perhaps something has happened between the schools of Ole Miss and Auburn since then that turned all that friendliness around. Or perhaps the AU fans with the biggest, loudest mouths are merely the ones trolling the internet. I would like to be able, two or twenty years from now, to still tell people stories about how nice and welcoming AU fans are.

If someone dropped the ball regarding your band’s performance this Saturday, it wasn’t because I personally had any say in the matter. I dare wager that a roomfull of Ole Miss students and alumni didn’t conspire to deny AU’s band a halftime performance in order to intentionally thumb our noses at your university. If some administrator screwed up, then I, an Ole Miss alum, am personally and deeply sorry. If anyone had telephoned me to ask what I thought of the matter, then things may have turned out differently.

I apologize on the behalf of the entire University of Mississippi – our faculty, students, alumni, fans and staff – that none of us were classy enough to provide Auburn fans with a stress-free, fun, and classy environment for your visit on Saturday. Try to have at least a modicum of fun in spite of the inelegant, rude, and boorish atmosphere you’ll undoubtedly encounter at our campus.

AndrewRTR 10/12/2012 at 9:43 am

I don’t know why all you dumbass barners are so surprised. Auburn is terrible like a creampuff team this year. Yall suck. Roll Tide Roll

Abu Nidal 10/14/2012 at 3:55 pm

Family still all in?

Jackie 11/10/2012 at 5:19 pm

Actually, Alabama A&M chose not to play. Staff from both the athletic and music departments contacted their directors and they expressed no desire to travel to Auburn. Learn the facts before you throw around accusations.

Reply - Top 10 Posts of 2012 12/30/2013 at 7:48 pm

[…] Ole Miss Won’t Allow Auburn Marching Band to Perform (10/10/12, Views: […]

Dr. Jim Richalds 10/30/2014 at 11:19 am

i have to apologize. My anger stems from the fact that the Ole Miss band director sexually assaulted me with a clarinet, and I realized how much I liked it. Now, I can’t get enough clarinet in the bunghole. If I don’t, I get testy.


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