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Join the 2010 Bowl Pick ’em!

So I might be going a little overboard with the competitions and contests this week, but we seriously have nothing else to do, so why not add another? While you’re waiting on your Lutzie video to upload to YouTube, go ahead and run on over to the Bowl Pick ’em, powered by ESPN Bowl Mania.

You have until the first bowl game on Saturday, December 18th to get your picks in. It’s simple: go here and set up an account (if you don’t have one already), click ‘Join this Group’, enter the group password (‘warblogle’), pick your winners, put the games in order of your confidence of the outcome, and submit. See…simple.

The good thing about ESPN’s Bowl Mania is that you can make your picks one time and then submit them to multiple groups, that way you aren’t having to go pick your teams multiple times. I know The War Eagle Reader (link) is doing one and so is ‘Blogle follower @tiffclemons (link), too, so make your picks and then join their groups as well.

I have no idea what the winner for my group will get, but I’ll decide by the time that it matters and let you know. If you have any questions or problems joining the group, just email me or post something in the comments section.

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Cumming Tiger 12/15/2010 at 9:09 am

I’m in, where is the rest of the clan?

aumbmom 12/16/2010 at 11:38 pm

I would love to get in but my parents rasied me from the wee ages NEVER to bet or play pools when Auburn football is involved. GRRRR! They have me convinced that I will jinx the game. :(

aumbmom 12/16/2010 at 11:39 pm

ooops raised lol typo


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