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Live Around Birmingham? Let’s Play Softball

I like playing softball. We’ll I like playing baseball, but softball is just easier to handle these days. I mean, playing behind Chipper just got old, ya know? Anyway, I’m just going to throw this out there. You can take it, or you can throw it right back. Let’s have a softball team, how ’bout it?

Since I’ve lived in Birmingham (5 years!) I’ve played multiple seasons on multiple teams on multiple nights at the Spain Park and Hoover East fields, and since I don’t have a team for this Summer, I decided it would be a good idea to put one together of All Auburn, All Blogle All-Stars. I’ll post the major details later, provided there is enough interest and we absolutely decide that we could field a competitive team (I don’t play for fun), but for now this is what you need to know:

  • The season starts June 6th and runs 10 weeks
  • We could play any night Monday-Thursday (always the same night depending on the league)
  • Games start at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, and 9:30
  • It will take a little bit of money unless you or your company wants to sponsor the team.

I don’t want to get ahead of myself and get all giddy about playing before I can obtain your level of interest, so fill out the form below (be honest), and I’ll get back with those that respond. The deadline for registration is May 27th, so we kind of need to get it going. The plans right now are to just have a mens’ team, but if enough women want to play we can do co-ed or two teams or whatever.








    RightLeftLike a girl

    Runs Like:

    Onterrio McCalebbCam NewtonLee Ziemba

    Position Preference:

    Have you played softball in the last 3 years?


    Did your teammates roll their eyes when the coach let you play?

    YesNoNot that I'm aware of...

    If yes, can you keep the book?


    Lastly, but most importantly, have you ever pulled for Alabama in any way or worn crimson without remorse or shame?

    YessumNoHow dare you ever think I would do that?


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