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Join the 2012-13 Bowl Pick ’em!

We’ve done this for a few years now, so why not? Auburn won’t be playing in any bowl games this year, so you can use your fully objective brain to pick the winners for all 2,827 bowls. The group motto is even “No Auburn means no pressure.” It’s refreshing sometimes, isn’t it? No?

As it was last year, the winner will either receive a t-shirt of their choice or one of my Christmas presents. Note: if you are giving me a present this year, don’t let this be your present, if you know what I’m saying.

To join, you will need an account. Just click ‘Register’ at the top right of the page, or login with the username you already have. Once you are logged in, go here to join the group. The password is ‘warblogle’.

Also like last year, I am using their confidence-based system. After making your picks, you will rank the games in order of your confidence level. The game you are least confident with will only count as one point, and your most confident pick will count as 35 points.

Tell your friends by sending them a link to this post. If you have any questions, send me an email or post it in the comments section below. Alright, let’s do this.

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austin1112 12/11/2012 at 3:09 pm

2,827 bowl games, huh? Savvy.

SabanIsTheDevil 12/11/2012 at 11:34 pm

ESPN says you set a limit on the number of people who can enter, it rejected me :( 

Any chance I can still get in on the pick em? 


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