There have been a few highlights since the start of the season. A few have been sprinkled into the intro videos throughout the season, but nothing like the onslaught of highlights that were added from the win over Texas A&M this past week. And look, here it is, the tunnel video played before the Florida Atlantic game.

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
1 comment
When the first showed this at the game, As a AUMB member Watching this from the field in the AU tunnel set with the crowd screaming, it was one of the most awe stuck moments of my life. Something indescribable and something I’ll never forget. Especially the Coates stiff arm play and the sacking of Johnny.