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What Should Auburn Do with the Toomer’s Trees?

If the latest email from Auburn isn’t the final indication that the trees at Toomer’s won’t make it, then I don’t know what is. In that email, there is a link to a page that asks for Auburn fans’ input on what should be done as a replacement for the trees. There are five options listed.

Option 1: Replant small oak trees in the same location as the current trees, which eventually will grow large enough for future generations to roll (see below for more information about timing).

Option 2:  Replant one or two very large oak trees, which could be rolled within a few years of the roots taking hold (see below for more information about timing and requirements).

Option 3: Move the rolling tradition to the intersection of Toomer’s Corner (its original location) by building a professionally-designed, permanent structure conducive to rolling, which would become part of the village atmosphere downtown (see below for requirements).

Option 4: Design an artificial tree or sculpture to replace the current oaks as a permanent option.

Option 5: Combine any of the above options.

There are many more details on what each option entails on the site. Be sure to check it out and let Auburn know what you think by emailing

I’m leaning towards options 1 or 2. I’m not even really sure what option 3 really even means. But anyway, give your input, and punch Harvey Updyke the next time you see him.

Thanks to @TrueBlueAU for the heads up.

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Kdlady 12/05/2011 at 12:01 pm

I think that they should do an artificial set of trees to memorialize the original! Something like a bronze sculpture so that they will be there forever and can still be rolled. So sad the real ones won’t make it but I would rush planting new ones again :(

jaxau90 12/05/2011 at 12:10 pm


FlyAuburn13 12/05/2011 at 12:19 pm

I like the Rolling Structure idea. It would be something permanent that Harvey Updyke couldn’t destroy unless he enlisted the help of the unabomber, and Auburn could design it to really enhance the look of the corner. That way we could roll right away, and start growing new trees without having to give up our tradition.

Jonathan 12/05/2011 at 12:24 pm

Turn the dead trees into baseball bats. Find Mr. UpDyke. Connect the 2 in multiple intimate ways. Repeat until all the wood is consumed.

TheAuburnGirl 12/05/2011 at 2:23 pm

I agree with Kdlady. It is a perfect way to remember the Toomer’s Oaks. I don’t really think of them as replaceable with other trees. I’d rather see a monument there, perhaps replicas of the trees would be appropriate. Bronze sounds nice, perhaps with a small war eagle hidden in the branches.

Harvey Updyke 12/05/2011 at 2:45 pm

What should Auburn do with the trees? Poison them again just to make sure.

Malcolm 12/05/2011 at 3:03 pm

I’m thinking a rollable, permanent tree structure with auburn lore carved into the trunk and branches, much like that of the tree of life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

rob etheridge 12/05/2011 at 3:40 pm

We lost many trees to Hurricane Opal and now we are losing these trees. I would like to see Toomer’s Corner refurbished. That should not be a ‘foot-traffic’ area at all. The area needs to be excavated and new soil as well as large oaks transplanted. I would like to see an oak which is native to the area. Maybe, in the process, we could demolish the art building and move those folks to the outskirts of campus (seriously, the art students don’t take care of anything and that building is embarrassing).

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PHill87 11/28/2012 at 5:25 am

Erect a replica of the Toomers trees. Auburn students and alumni in departments from ART and ARCHITECTURE to ENGINEERING and MATERIALS should design a BIG BLUETiful tree that’s safe and strong. The Business Schools could handle the BUY A ‘NEW LEAF’ FOR TOOMERS TREES fundraiser to pay for the cost of the tree statues!!



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