They’re so completely on the bandwagon that even their thoughts are in green and yellow.

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
I find it pretty ridiculous they made all the “roll ducks roll” signs for THEIR teams bowl game. This is the perfect picture of why I hate Bama,and always will.
You know…my best friend’s husband says we should support other SEC teams when they are playing non-conference games, specifically bowl games. While I can’t fully embrace that notion for UAT & UGA, I do agree with him (I just don’t watch and try not to care) . Maybe I wasn’t unhappy that UGA lost their bowl game, but I didn’t wish for it.
It would certainly not occur to me to be so rude as to actually make a tacky sign like “Roll Ducks Roll” and display it on national television. If it did, I don’t think I would do it, because, oh, gee, how stupid and classless am I?
Oh, wait, this is a Bammer we’re talking about. They don’t know anything about class, and if you asked them what class is, they’d tell you they don’t know because they haven’t been to class since 10th grade.
How stupid are Bama fans? Even the corn dogs can figure out how the out of conference thing works for other SEC schools. If the corn dogs can figure it out, it is tough to tell what Bama fans must smell like. Oh wait, we have all smelled them, and they smell like Sh$#.
Isn’t a Duck that rolls, one that is on his back flopping around? I would have to say brilliant sign!!! Poor bama fan, clueless.
I think the old man and woman on the right hand side mixed up their thoughts.
Isn’t a duck roll a Chinese menu item? Guess someone is trying to order dinner.
It’s so sad that somebody would spend all that time and money to go to the game and still worry more about Auburn than there own team.
Oh, and I will not be taking any Bama related signs with me to the National Championship Game.