- GAMEDAY BABBBBYYYYY!!! #auburn #wareagle #kentucky #sec #
- Back home from family stuff and ready to watch some football. P90X first though. #hardcoreblogle #
- RT @Ziemba73 Gameday….WDE!!!!! #
- Can’t wait to see McElroy manage the heck out of this game. #madduxofcfb #
- RT @pfreagan I’m not sure how LSU will win today, but I’m pretty sure it’ll involve a safety on a PAT. #
- RT @BenTateRB Great day 4 a big auburn win!!!! if ur not gonna b there u can hang and chat w me on twitter by using hashtag #BenTateRB #
- Auburn. RT @AP_Top25 Love all-white look for unis. Besides #Texas anybody else pull it off? #Minnesota #Baylor both sporting it right now. #
- Hey Alabama, Auburn didn’t give up a run that long against Lattimore. You did on his first attempt. #superbowlchamps #
- Hey Alabama, you are losing. #superbowlchamps #
- Prediction: @CoachLouHoltzsh will move UGA up to #1 in his ranking following their win over Tennessee. in reply to CoachLouHoltzsh #
- Ate there today. RT @ErinAndrews A well deserved shout out to Jim ‘N Nicks Bar-B-Q..just crushed a plate full of their fixins’..amazing!! #
- RT @Z_Etheridge4 @terrellowens about to play Kentucky tonight at 730 after we win where can I buy a horse lol #
- ESPN2. RT @BroJonathan82 @WarBlogle what channel is the game on tonite?? War eagle #
- RT @BarrettSallee #UGA Redcoat Band played the tomahawk chop at halftime. Well done. #wdbraves #
- When is he ever? RT @aldotcom Kevin Scarbinsky says Julio Jones won’t be the best receiver on the field against South Carolina #
- @rollbamaroll @bourbonandcoke As opposed to your nongraduating felon-athletes? in reply to rollbamaroll #
- Let’s see…who’s the most hated rock band of all time? RT @ESPN_SEC Tide have become SEC’s rock stars – http://es.pn/a57EyY #
- Wow, what a catch. Hey, Alabama you’re losing by more now. #superbowlchamps #
- RT @SupurMario27 Just got done with pre game meal chilln in the room bout to get my head together let’s go! #
- Hey Alabama, you are losing by a lot now. #superbowlchamps #
- @bourbonandcoke It was to @rollbamaroll‘s tweet about Cam Newton that you RT’d. in reply to bourbonandcoke #
- Yes! RT @AUPPL @WarBlogle Nickelback. Alabama is the Nickeback of the SEC #
- I know of one. RT @thejuiceisgood Lattimore is sick. It would take one hell of a run defense to shut him down. #
- Looks like you’re the only ones. RT @squint1969 Finally… We are here. @WarBlogle #wareagle #auburn http://twitpic.com/2w44gv #
- The despair in Lundquist and Danielson’s voices only confirm what we already knew: they know exactly what Nick Saban tastes like. #
- RT @FansPoll I’m not sure who was more excited about the Bama game, the 80,000 USC fans or the one guy in the crowd wearing an Auburn shirt. #
- RT @bourbonandcoke Love all these tweets commending Spurrier thus far. He was a pretty solid coach before today, or so I was led to believe. #
- Before Tiger Walk, thanks to my eyes and ears in Lexington. http://twitpic.com/2w4hly http://twitpic.com/2w4iml http://twitpic.com/2w4is9 #
- Duh, just spreading the point. RT @thejuiceisgood @mixonau @WarBlogle come on folks. That was my point. #
- Tiger Walk. http://twitpic.com/2w4pfk http://twitpic.com/2w4q39 http://twitpic.com/2w4rdx #
- Aubie made it to Lexington. http://twitpic.com/2w4wgc #wareagle #
- Geez, McElroy can’t do anything wrong even when he’s doing something wrong according to Gary Danielson. #
- Nope. Still waiting. RT @AlexSchriver @WarBlogle: Did CBS just advertise a 2:30 CST kick-off for Auburn/Arkansas? #
- RT @AUBlog The first Tiger players are walking onto the field. Darvin Adams looks like he got that swag. #
- RT @AUBlog Cam is running around the field like a 5-year old, with his arms outstretched like he’s playing pilot. He’s like a kid out there. #
- It will be, but hasn’t be announced RT @e_k_m I was told that this week RT @AlexSchriver: @WarBlogle CBS advertise 2:30 kick-off for AU/Ark? #
- RT @bourbonandcoke 10/9/10: R.I.P. Denard Robinson’s Heisman bid. #
- RT @aublakeme Seriously. Lexington is the center of the cornhole universe. I’m pretty sure it goes 1A) Basketball 1B)Cornhole 8) Football. #
- God is allowed to cuss. RT @krisburd Nice slow motion “gd” bomb by Saban. #rohltahd #
- RT @FootballAU Just under an hour until kickoff. To fill 20 seconds of that time here’s a video of Tiger Walk. http://twitvid.com/VV2UD #
- Thanks for ruining the undefeated Iron Bowl, stupid Bama… #warcocks #
- Hey Super Bowl champs, you just lost to a team that Auburn beat. You’re terrible. #warcocks #
- Everyone is required to listen to all four hours of @finebaum on Monday. It will be the best broadcast in the history of radio. #
- Bama, your ridicule is coming, but it will have to wait until after an Auburn victory. See you soon. #wareagle #
- Booyah. RT @slmandel Best team in the country? Maybe ‘Bama isn’t the best team in its own state. #
- Ok fans, I know that was fun, but we’ve got a game to win. If that happens, then we pile on like there’s no tomorrow. #wareagle #
- Love the all whites. Thanks to my eyes on Lexington. http://twitpic.com/2w5htx #auburn #wareagle #
- Ok just one: if you live in a trailer park, your dad is a Bama fan, and there’s a gun in the house, you might want to leave. #youdeserveit #
- RT @ClayTravisBGID No matter who we root for, I think we can agree on this: Ohio State is not the best team in the country. #
- RT @wareagleextra LB Eltoro Freeman not on the field for pre-game stretching. He might not have made the trip. #
- RT @wareaglereader Every time Bama loses, an angel gets its wings. #
- Maybe if it was next week. RT @unitedmethod @WarBlogle Auburn would have had a better shot if they’d never lost #
- Report from Lexington: The crowd is…sparse. Especially amongst their students. #
- Is it? RT @_StephanieLeigh @WarBlogle: Bama, your ridicule is coming, but it will have to wait till after AU victory – it’s you’re you idiot #
- Gametime. Let’s go! #auburn #wareagle #kentucky #
- When the announcers agree that there is no personal foul, there is no personal foul. #suckyrefs #
- I know I couldn’t do any better, but defense, that last drive just sucked…just sucked. #auburn #wareagle #
- RT @ClayTravisBGID Cam Newton is the best player in the SEC and there isn’t a close second. He’s winning the Heisman too. #
- Did it not? RT @kyliem2007 @WarBlogle thought this was just fact, no opinion? #
- RT @EarnhFan @WarBlogle Cam is #3 trending topic on twitter #
- RT @auburnbeat Darvin Adams passed Ben Obomanu, Alexander Wright, and Devin Aromashodu for 12th place in career receiving yards. #
- @kyliem2007 Then it was fact. in reply to kyliem2007 #
- Well…Auburn…won. 37-34. #wareagle #
- Ok let’s start it. Auburn showed what a true champion is made of. #wareagle #
- Sorry, just showing what champions are made of. Haha. Good game. RT @AbGatorade They’re gonna win by a FG. Not cool, Auburn. #
- RT @AUBlog Auburn’s 6-0. Tigers, 37-34. Wes Byrum is your new all-time field goal leader at Auburn. #
- Sorry, we’re in the top 10 now. Championship contenders don’t escape. RT @espn4d Auburn escapes Lexington, 37-34. #
- @timcottrell7782 Making fun of media and Bammers. in reply to timcottrell7782 #
- RT @BarrettSallee Very impressive GW drive by Auburn. Nothing fancy, just go what what works. Road wins in the SEC are hard to come by. #
- @ryr3888 210 pass, 198 rush. 531 total for team. in reply to ryr3888 #
- Tweet me your pics of Toomer’s. #auburn #wareagle #
- Did anyone else notice that the fumble on the pitch during the last kickoff return actually gave Auburn a few more yards to burn clock with? #
- Yes. AU/UGA 05. RT @BarrettSallee RT @DanWolken: I’m hearing there’s a rule you can’t advance a teammate’s fumble on 4th down. Is this true? #
- RT @T_WILL4REAL I bet my #quarterback tougher than yours… #
- RT @katie7arnold @WarBlogle -Toomers. Weagle #auburn http://plixi.com/p/49738820 #
- RT @TheRealBlack77 Might need to add an ‘A’ btwn the C&M if Cam Newton keeps this up http://yfrog.com/nbpzsqj #
- RT @Fosicks It was a hard fought one but we earned another W!! #WDE #
- RT @TZAC81AU Feels good to be 6-0..but we cant stop here. we on a mission. #
- RT @YoungMikeB66 6-0 it feels too good#WarDamnEagle #
- Almost forgot… today Auburn fans got the coveted DOUBLE EAGLE! Auburn win, Bama loss. Nothing better. #wareagle #
- RT @Z_Etheridge4 WDE baby 6-0!!! Thank all you guys for you support got a big one next week! #
- No………… thank you. RT @wesbyrum Thanks for all the twitter love… 6-0 baby!!! #
- He picked the Bama loss today too. RT @Brannen_McMahan How smart does Herbstreit have to feel right now about his pre-season West pick? #
- View after the win. RT @AUtitude http://twitpic.com/2w8qqj #
- Another view after the win. RT @AUtitude http://twitpic.com/2w8sry #
- RT @ESPN_SEC Season defining drive for Auburn? – http://es.pn/az0Hs2 #
- Heading to bed. Going to ATL tomorrow to watch Auburn’s Tim Hudson shutdown the Giants. #wdbraves #
- Auburn won. All is right. War Damn Eagle and goodnight. #bedtimepoetry #

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
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