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Podcast #5: Tammy from Finebaum on Life, Bams, and PAWWLLLLLL

You’ve all heard that glorious voice belting out “War Eagle” and “Bams” and “PAWWWLLLLLLLLL” on the Finebaum show. It comes from none other than Tammy. We’ll call her Tammy from Finebaum, although she’s much more than that.


In this week’s podcast we delve into what made Tammy who she is today, what she really thinks about PAWWLLLLL and the other “Bam callers,” and what she thought about Auburn’s loss to LSU. It’s insightful, especially the ending…

The podcast can now be heard on three different platforms:

1. On an iPhone, download the Podcasts app, and then subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. If you’re an Android bro, and know how to subscribe to an RSS feed of podcasts, use this:

2. On an iPhone, download the War Eagle Sports app ( This app is part of the VSporto internet radio network, and includes multiple shows from the Auburn sports community. You can listen to a live stream of the most up to date podcasts or listen to each on demand.

3. Listen right here within the friendly confines of the Blogle.

Download the podcast here (right-click to save).

If you have any questions or topics that you want my next guest and I to discuss next week, leave them in comments. Also, let me know who you want as a guest. As this podcast proved, they can be anybody. National names are just lining up.

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1 comment

AU GUY 10/22/2013 at 7:12 pm

Maybe, one day, there will be another podcast. This one is almost a month old.


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