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‘Eyes on Auburn’ Radio Show Debuts Tonight

Are you fed up with having to listen to what’s going on in the world of Bammer each time you turn on the radio? Are you tired of hearing Bama fans spout off about what they heard from their buddy who knows a guy who can spell “FBI”? Well you, my friend, are in luck!

Justin Hokanson of and former Auburn great Rob Pate (that rhymed) have teamed up to create an all-Auburn, all-the-time radio show called ‘Eyes on Auburn’ on the War Damn Radio Network. The show will be produced by the self-proclaimed King of Birmingham Media, Blake Ells.

The show will go on every Tuesday night beginning tonight (Aug. 2) and will run from 6-8 pm CDT. Through the power of technology, the show will be streamed worldwide at Also, there are some markets that will have the show broadcast in their area.

  • WZZN 97.7 (Huntsville)
  • WTXK 107.5 (Montgomery, Prattville, Auburn, Troy, Wetumpka)
  • WNSP 105.5 (Mobile)
  • WESZ 98.7 (Abbeville, Dothan)
  • WCOQ 90.5 (Colquitt, GA)

Not surprisingly, Bammerham hasn’t picked up the show yet (it would air right after Finebaum), but hopefully they will soon. I’m not going to go as far as those that are cancelling their Birmingham News subscription because they believe it is biased towards Auburn, but this area is heavily saturated with Crimson talk. It will be good to hear a few hours dedicated to Auburn, put on by two guys who know definitely know their Auburn football.

Be sure to listen tonight and forevermore.

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Scott 08/02/2011 at 10:11 am

Are any of these staions part of i heart radio? As I would be able to listen while driving home tonight as opposed to Jerry Finebaum Springer.

Hey Load 08/02/2011 at 10:39 am

This post comes at a great time. Just this morning I was forced to listen to Tim Brando rant and rave about Jim Tressel’s ethics (or lack thereof). At the very end of the segment, Brando throws out how he’s on Slimebaum yesterday and the whole question of Suitgate comes up. He says, and I’m paraphrasing here, “..I don’t think any thing wrong is going on (at spUAt) because the mainstream media picked up that information from a message board. But Cam Newton…he’s guilty, we’ll just have to wait for truth to come out.”

I am really excited to hear about this show! I know that WNSP isn’t on i heart radio, but maybe one of the others will be.

KrisKinnus 08/02/2011 at 11:32 am

I read an an article in my local paper (Decatur Daily) a few years ago, right before the Iron Bowl basically exposing the fact that north Alabama boasts 17 stations (AM and FM) that carry BAMUH games (one for each national championship, obviously) and only 3 Auburn affiliates. 93.9 in the Shoals is most wide-spread but probably the most Bammerrific in all of Bammerton. Would be nice to hear a little about “the other school” from time to time. *Sigh…*

WDEwg 08/02/2011 at 12:45 pm

Do you know if they will make the show available as a podcast after the live air? Those of us in the ATL could at least download and listen in the next day as opposed to the junk they pass off as radio here.

Scott 08/02/2011 at 12:53 pm

OK had a min. in between stuff and pulled up I Heart. None of the stations are on I Heart. Oh well will try and listen at the end of work today.

AUjamstan 08/02/2011 at 1:01 pm

Glad it’s streamed on Otherwise, those of us manning outposts in remote locations are outta luck. Without Slimebaum, Big Al from Dadeville may have never outed himself. Strike that. He would have chosen some other medium to expose his stupidity to the world. Bragging in the parking lot at WalMart to decent God-fearing bammers who would have then turned him in. Oh c’mon now, they do exist.

Brink 08/02/2011 at 2:58 pm

Get the Wunder radio app. It has most of those stations. Great app too!

KTW 08/02/2011 at 3:30 pm

For those of us who don’t live in the great state of Alabama anymore – you can get to several of these channels using the TuneIn Radio app on your iphone!

Joe 08/03/2011 at 12:12 pm

Damn, I missed the show last night! Podcasts would be a great bonus!

Todd Sandlin 08/04/2011 at 2:56 pm

I have thought this would be a great idea. I just hope that a bammerham station will pick the show up. Good luck and War Damn Eagle!


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