No offense to Musburger and Herbstreit, but I like this much better.

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
I like you WarBlogle, like this one better.
Do you, or any one else know, where I may get a copy of the entire champ game (video from ESPN) with audio by Rod and Stan?
I’m also greedy- -I want to know where I can buy the entire season with all the games– but with audio by Rod/Stan. Any ideas?
I would like to know the same thing, WDEwg…that is what I really want!
You have to love this radio team. Brought tears to my eyes once again.
Love seeing Darron Thomas picking his nose at 10:12. WE!
Is it weird that I cry every time I watch this?
I think it would be weird if you didn’t cry every time you watched it.
It’s been over 3 and a half months and I still get goosebumps EVERY time I watch that kick.
war eagle baby!!!!!!!
I was there and LOVED every minute of it.
Love It