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The 2016 Batch of Auburn Candy Hearts

This Sunday marks the day that we’ve all been duped into believing is a thing. No, it’s not National Signing Day. It’s Valentine’s Day. It’s the day that gave us a reason to give a little Spiderman card to the kid we’d never talked to. Much like if I just happened to go give Carl Lawson a Deadpool card with a sweet note on it.

But anyway, it’s time for Auburn-themed candy hearts again. You can go back and check the old ones (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), but these are obviously the best because as we get older, we get better. Feel free to use, but MUST CREDIT BLOGLE.

These are some of the best from last year that still hold true…

These will always withstand the test of time…

Happy vAUlentine’s Day, amirite?!

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