I saw this one coming from 109 yards away. It’s simple, it’s kinda witty, and it’s just fine. That’s it. It’s just fine. Oh, and @ScoopPhillips claims he came up with it, but have you ever seen that guy. Yeah, I don’t know about that. Anyway, Pick yours up from the AU Bookstore tomorrow.

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
We couldn’t have done anything more provocative? They’re the Trojans… We’re classy, but that’s a golden opportunity for something witty.
I bet no one has every used ‘No way Jose’ before we did, but that doesn’t mean we can’t push the envelope a little.
Thanks BLAUGGLE, I’ll hang up and listen now.
They are Spartans