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Podcast #3: All By Myself with Arkansas State, Targeting, Booing, and #StateHate

marcusdavisSo Auburn told Kodi that he couldn’t be on the Podcast anymore. Nothing was wrong, but with him being on the coaching staff in some respect, they just didn’t want the opportunity for him to start giving out secrets. That would never happen, but I had a feeling it was coming, and it’s okay. It was fun while it lasted.

So this week, since I was unable to find someone willing to talk to me for a few minutes, I sat down in a dark room and talked to myself for 25 minutes. Well, I talked to you about Arkansas State, Kris Frost’s targeting ejection, yelled at some of you about booing, and then talked a little about Mississipppi State. Won’t you listen to it?

I’m working on getting a permanent guest, and I have some ideas, but let me know who you’d like to hear once or on a weekly basis. Hey, why don’t you let me know in the post I started in The Barn?

The podcast can now be heard on three different platforms:

1. On an iPhone, download the Podcasts app, and then subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. If you’re an Android bro, and know how to subscribe to an RSS feed of podcasts, use this:

2. On an iPhone, download the War Eagle Sports app ( This app is part of the VSporto internet radio network, and includes multiple shows from the Auburn sports community. You can listen to a live stream of the most up to date podcasts or listen to each on demand.

3. Listen right here within the friendly confines of the Blogle.

Download the podcast here (right-click to save).

If you have any questions or topics that you want my next guest and I to discuss next week, leave them in comments. Anything is welcome. Seriously. Anything.

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Garrett 09/12/2013 at 1:27 pm

How about me. I’ll be your guest host. I graduated from Auburn. Can’t stand Bama and need an excuse to analyse all things Auburn more.

Brody 09/12/2013 at 8:39 pm

Did people boo Will Herring? I loved Will Herring. Guy was a headhunter.

Not sure I entirely agree with your take on why JH is being boo’d (which I haven’t heard either), but it’s definitely an interesting point. Bottom line is it doesn’t do any good. Everyone wants the guy to be successful and be better – booing won’t accomplish that.

As for your co-host, love Kodi Burns but he seemed to lack personality on the show. You need someone to fire things up a bit – think Ruby Rhod from Fifth Element. Haha!

EagleFire 09/13/2013 at 10:15 am

You sound so depressed without Kodi. :( I understand, though. I was enjoying the whole “War Blogles while Kodi Burns” schtick.

Cheer up, buddy! You should enjoy listening to yourself, ’cause we do! I look forward to hearing both this and the Auburn Football podcast each week while sitting at work. They make my Thursdays/Fridays more tolerable. So, keep up the good work!

P.S. – See if you can’t get Stan White on for a segment every once in a while. He would have some good insight and seems like he’d be cool with something like this.

P.S.S. – Tell Kodi we enjoyed hearing him!

Jon 09/13/2013 at 10:29 am

I think sometimes we forget they are kids. I’m as invested in Auburn as the next guy but these guys some of them are just out of HS. I don’t think we should boo anybody on Auburn. Did anyone see last year? Let’s support our guys.

Love the Blog and the Podcast

Shorttom007 09/13/2013 at 3:51 pm

Seriously, if you can track down Lutzie and get him to agree, I will listen to the podcast every day… Ok, maybe not every day, but DEFINITELY every week with a good possibility of more than once a week.



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