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FootballUniform Stuff

New Numbers for New & Old Tigers in 2013

It’s just like Christmas anytime the official football roster comes out, isn’t it? No? Just me? Well anyway, it was officially finalized today. Not like you care or anything.

There are quite a few notable (scholarship) additions to the Fall roster with shiny new numbers. There are also a few older guys that the number they were wearing just wasn’t doing it. After last year, I say they all swap numbers.

Here’s the list of the n00bs with the older guys marked with an asterisk (*):

2013roster2Alright, wasn’t that fun? It means football is here. They have jerseys with numbers on them. It’s like getting your new Aubie lunch box before the first day of school.

Here a few notes:

  • Montravius Adams will be the largest person in the history of organized sport to wear #1. Seriously, it’s going to look like a toothpick in a sea of blue. I love it. But what I don’t love is that it’s a duplicate number with Trovon Reed’s. This is the worst thing in the history of organized sport. Stop the duplicate numbers. If the guy will only come to your school based on him getting the number he wants, let him go somewhere else. I’m not saying that’s the reason Adams or any other guys are wearing duplicates, but it’s always the reason I’m given. Yes, the number 3 was very special to me when I was tearing up JV baseball just before the turn of the century, but I would not have liked to share it. Isn’t that the point of a number; to be different from everyone else? Alright, I’m done.
  • Johnathan Jones has changed from #21 to #3. No big deal, but also a duplicate number with incoming freshman Dominic Walker.
  • Johnathan Mincy had originally taken over #21 this Spring, but because he’s on special teams with Tre Mason, also #21, he had to stick with his previous number, 6. Of course that’s also a duplicate of Jeremy Johnson’s.
  • Incoming freshman, and smarter twin, Mackenro Alexander took over the open #21 that Mincy had to drop. By the way, Alexander’s facemask will haunt your dreams.

    mackenro facemask

  • Nick Marshall’s Twitter handle (@NicMarshall7) boasts the number 7, the number he wore at JUCO. He came in telling everyone he would wear 7. Oops, sorry, seats taken. Pat Sullivan and his Heisman say no, although I’m sure Pat would not mind at all. Instead Marshall multiplied 7 times 2 and will wear #14, his high school number.
  • Onterio McCalebb’s #23 has been picked up by incoming RB Johnathan Ford, and would you look at that. Another duplicate. Mack VanGorder who chose stay to stay on the Plains even after his dad was fired (and good for him for doing that) has moved from #29 to #23.
  • Senior defensive end, Dee Ford, will look a little different coming around the end and de-cleating quarterbacks this year. He’s moved from his customary #95 to #30. Nosa Eguae said earlier today that he didn’t really like it, but understands Dee wanting to look like a quick, lean linebacker.
  • The man-beast, Carl Lawson, has chosen the number of another man-beast that used to romp around the Plains. He’ll wear #55, formerly worn by Taken Spikes.

And that is everything you would ever want to know about numbers on Auburn football players’ jerseys. Fall practice officially starts tomorrow. It’s here. Real football is here.

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James 08/01/2013 at 5:30 pm

In defense of the duplicates, there aren’t THAT many free numbers:
2 – “unofficially retired”
7 – retired
34 – retired
88 – retired

I had noticed earlier today that 16 was free, but the roster has been updated again to show that it belongs to one Tucker Tuberville. So the only free numbers are O-Line numbers. I suppose those could also be D-Linemen, but those numbers are no fun. Part of the fun of college football is having non-OL players wear any number they want outside of 50-79.

The WarBlogler 08/01/2013 at 8:58 pm

True, but about 25 numbers are taken up by scout team members that will hardly ever dress out. Give them a duplicate.

AUChief 08/01/2013 at 10:53 pm

When I saw Adams was wearing #1 I got excited. That is going to be extremely fun to watch.

Stan McCullars 08/02/2013 at 12:24 pm

I had always assumed it was like Christmas for everyone when the roster came out. My wife corrected me on that last night by simply rolling her eyes.


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