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Join the 2009 Bracket Challenge!!!

march-madness-2008For the third straight year, I am holding the Bracket Challenge Group on CBS Sportsline. Money stuffs will be decided on if I get enough requests to throw in a few bucks. Otherwise, you are playing for pride. So good luck. Oh, and if you think you have no clue, and you haven’t watched a game all year, then you will probably win…seriously. You will also need to create a CBS Sportsline account, if you do not have one already, but I think it only asks for your name and email, so don’t use that as an excuse.

Join the Bracket Challenge Group (Group closed). The group password is ‘123456789‘.

Invite your friends. The more people we have, the better the competition.

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jacktherabbit 03/16/2009 at 7:26 pm

It’s a shame there’s no write in portion. I’m sure Julio Jones would win.


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