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Cam NewtonFootballVideo

Chizik and Newton Speak

I’ve had many tweeters ask me for video from today’s press conference, so here you go.

This is a side of Gene we have all wanted to see for a while, and it couldn’t have come out at a better time. He’s perfect.

Cam ain’t so bad either.

Thanks to Andy Bitter for the footage.

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TxWarEagle 11/09/2010 at 2:06 pm

Couldn’t help but notice that as Coach Chizik was listing people that you should “go talk to” about Cam’s character he went straight from his High School Coach to his JuCo coach, mistakenly leaving one out. Freudian slip, maybe??

Bob4AU 11/09/2010 at 2:44 pm

Somebody for some reason is doing a hatchet job on Cam and consequently on Auburn. I attended Auburn but my degrees come from Troy and New Orleans. Not because I am a bad person but because I still had some growing up to do when I was a freshman at Auburn. I love Auburn. I truly believe Auburn is a premier school with a superior coaching staff of the highest calibre in both football and character. Auburn and Cam will survive this and become even better for it. Praying the media circus will not be a distraction from completing the course. winning an SEC championship and competing for the BCS Champion at which point let the chips fall where they may.


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