- SI.com has released the results of their survey of college football fans all across the country. It’s pretty interesting. Here’s the main article, but I’m sure all you care about is what SEC fan’s think.
- Eltoro still isn’t practicing, but that doesn’t mean he’s definitely out for the Iron Bowl.
- Coach Chizik says he’ll handle the Eric Smith situation in the “proper way” if more information comes out.
- Evan Woodbery is writing a book and would like your 1989 Iron Bowl memories.
- He also says that Chizik makes the right calls.
- Jay Coulter is telling me there’s a chance.
- This guy wants the West side of the state to shutup.
- I know you were all waiting on this. The A-day game date has been set.
- Auburn plays three basketball games in the next three days, starting tonight against UCF.

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
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