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Gameday Tweets: Auburn 35, Arkansas 17

WarBlogle_twitterTake away that gut-wrenching feeling of having no control over the game, and watching a game on TV is really nice sometimes. I watched the game in the same place I watched the Texas A&M game, in the same chair in fact. Watching away games on TV is also good for the tweet count, or I guess it could be bad if you’re one of those that doesn’t like for the people you follow to tweet a lot. Anyway, there were lots yesterday, and here they are.


During game:

  • The last time Auburn knocked the starting Arkansas QB out of the game, the final score was 65-43 in 2010.
  • Dee Ford looks and plays well in all white.
  • Bret Bielema has plays written on a manila folder. Seriously.
  • Horse collars do create points.
  • Tre Mason for the Heisman Trophy recipient.
  • That was real American defense.
  • Having the ball only 3.5 times in the first half is why Auburn isn’t up by 21. Scoring first in the 2nd half is needed.
  • That’ll do it. WE : My good luck charm!
  • Tre Mason for the Doak Walker Award recipient.
  • Nick Marshall’s shoulder/arm is just fine.
  • Yes, Arkansas fans, we’re faking injuries to slow your non-hurry up offense.
  • Ok, yes we did.
  • Tre Mason for the Walter Camp Award recipient.
  • Bret Bielema and Lebron James both graduated from the same school of weird ways to wear headwear.
  • Nevermind, Swain was hurt, so shutup.
  • My favorite analysis of Swain-gate was that he was looking at the sideline for “the signal.” Shutup.
  • How dare the head ref fake injury to slow down the Arkansas offense. Got the signal from the booth.
  • Auburn beats Arkansas 35-17. Gus beats Bert. Auburn wins.



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1 comment

Booger 11/03/2013 at 11:43 pm

Who farted


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