Spotted on the outskirts of Bammer-ham yesterday… I guess signing with Under Armour finally gave Cam Newton the chance to upgrade.
Pic from Melissa M.

War Blogle
Auburn grad (B.S. in C.S., 2004), loving husband, and fun dad that believes Auburn should and could go undefeated in every sport, every year. That's pretty much it.
How considerate of Cam to park in a handicap crosswalk. Wait, he new nothing about it. It was Cecil.
You’re right.. he “new” nothing about it. Let me guess… Bammer?
Nope Texan by birth.
mr penny has a wild side
The Cam/Cecil jokes are lame. They are no longer funny, definitely aren’t original and show a lack of creativity and confidence in the person telling it. “Please, laugh at what I say! Give me attention! I’m funny!”
The point of the post was how inconsiderate it is of someone to unlawfully occupy the handicap crosswalk. Did anyone really think Cam parked there?
It isn’t a handicap parking spot. It is just a sort of no parking area. However, motorcycles often park in such areas without consequence.
It was never mentioned as a handicap parking space. It is the area designated for a handicap person to use as a crosswalk. Be respectful.
Amor saying be respectful LOL. Since when is trolling comments and throwing around accusations respectful. Clearly your looking at a motorcycle that represents the best University in the SEC. You sir….are the one that needs to learn respect ;) Don’t worry Amor I’m sure Aretha Franklin can show you how to do it.
He, he! What a bike ;-) Now, I wonder, does this guy manages to ask and get respect from his mates? I mean, if you come closer to a bunch of guys riding mean bikes with this pony tale bike, I would expect laughing and a lot of jokes. At lest :-)