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FootballGameday VideoVideo

Gameday Video – Auburn at Georgia

ustreamOverall, the first attempt at streaming live video from my iPhone to the ‘Blogle during a game day was a success. A few of the videos came across live. A few of them I had to record and upload later because of the awful service in Athens. Most of those didn’t get uploaded until 3 am this morning when I got home because my battery died at halftime. That also explains why there are no videos after the teams ran out of their respective tunnels.

Let me go back to the cellphone service for a second. Why don’t all cellphone carriers max out their bandwidth, put up a mobile tower, or something else that could take on the load of extra calls and texts and streaming videos that are trying to go through on a game day? Do that not realize that there will be a significant rise in cellphone use for the day in that area?

Anyway, you can view all of the videos, which at the moment are in reverse chronological order and in one case not in any sort of order, on my ‘Gameday Video – Auburn at Georgia‘ page on Ustream. If you’re on the home page, you can also view it by hitting ‘Continue Reading’ down there. If you already see the player down there then you’re in the right place. I had to take it off the home page because there is no way to turn off autoplay. I know it can get annoying to have the video start all 100 times you visit the site each day.

Let me know what you think about this, give me ideas of what you want to see, or just tell me you love it. That works too.

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arspvb 11/14/2009 at 4:44 pm

hey…i am watching

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JackTheRabbit 11/15/2009 at 11:16 pm

This was a terrible idea. Just kidding I like it. But seriously, don’t do it again. Na you’re doing a great job.


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