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The Top 10 @WarBlogle Tweets of 2016

WarBlogle_twitter_newTwitter is the lifeline of this ol’ blogle. It’s the reason most of you get here. I wish you’d just set as your home page and check it every morning, but maybe one day.

I used to rank my top 10 tweets of the year by number of retweets, but now that Twitter has turned favoriting into liking, it just makes more sense to rank based on likability than share-ability.

It was a good year on the tweet-o-sphere, and I hope that continues into 2017. As always, thanks for following. If you don’t get on that.











If you’d rather see the top 10 most retweeted tweets, here you go:











And if you’d like to see what Twitter says were the most “engaged” tweets:











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