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Alabama Preview

He returns! JackTheRabbit is back with a…uh…um…”look” at the Iron Bowl. Yeah, it’s still called the Iron Bowl, no matter where it’s played. Anyway, here you go. Oh, and I’m not posting any predictions this week. There aren’t too many games that matter besides this one, and I never predict the Iron Bowl so who cares, right? War Eagle!

Not A “Preview”
by JackTheRabbit

*Disclaimer: This is not in anyway my attempt at reviewing or speculating any type of outcome, prediction or insight into what should or could be in this years Iron Bowl*

It is 4:15 a.m. on Friday and I haven’t had a good nights sleep in 3 days. I can’t help it. Like most people in the state right now my mind is only on Saturday. If you’re reading anything on then I’m fairly confident I don’t need to go into detail about what I’m talking about.

I don’t want to go into discussing numbers or past history when talking about this Iron Bowl. As far as I’m concerned ,’s not relevant. Any true fan of either school can tell you that records and statistics mean nothing in this game. I’ve seen Auburn step up when it seemed like they didn’t have a chance, and I’ve seen Alabama put them away when I thought we had a chance. I haven’t missed an Iron Bowl since 1998 and have witnessed the game being played in Tuscaloosa every year since the series left Legion Field. I’ve seen what it takes to come to out on the winning end for both teams, and I think Auburn and Alabama people will all agree that the most important aspect in this series is heart. I’ve seen Alabama take the field and play with so much passion and heart that there was no way I could discredit them no matter how I tried. I’ve also seen an inspired team lead by a 4th string tailback, that played with a heart three times bigger than himself, upset the home team.

All I can say is that come Saturday at 2:30 I don’t know what to expect. I do know that there will be Auburn men and women watching and cheering, and despite the outcome the heart of those people will outweigh any win or loss. Because at the end of the day we will love and stand behind this team no matter the coach, quarterback, or controversy; and because Auburn men and women believe in these things, WE BELIEVE IN AUBURN AND LOVE IT!

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